cost of illegal aliens
from the San Diego Union Tribune we read:
gosh, who is paying for that?
Last year, San Diego County hospitals provided $619 million in uncompensated care, and an estimated 10 percent to 17 percent of that paid for treatment for undocumented immigrants, according to the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
how can they possibly estimate 10 to 17 percent? one is allowed to ever ask the legal status of a person in America, are they?...the same estimators who give 10 to 17 percent give us the way low 12 million illegals in America as well - that figure is off by at least 50%
would someone please demand an accounting of the total cost of illegal aliens to U.S. (us), the United States of America taxpayers?

something tells me it's not a question or answer we will see publicized anytime soon
gosh, who is paying for that?

Last year, San Diego County hospitals provided $619 million in uncompensated care, and an estimated 10 percent to 17 percent of that paid for treatment for undocumented immigrants, according to the Hospital Association of San Diego and Imperial Counties.
how can they possibly estimate 10 to 17 percent? one is allowed to ever ask the legal status of a person in America, are they?...the same estimators who give 10 to 17 percent give us the way low 12 million illegals in America as well - that figure is off by at least 50%
would someone please demand an accounting of the total cost of illegal aliens to U.S. (us), the United States of America taxpayers?

something tells me it's not a question or answer we will see publicized anytime soon